I showed you some of my kitchen in
this post, it looks ever cuter now btw! Come over for some baked goodness and see for yourself!
Well, my bedroom is getting sooo neglected! Its just not a priority right now, I have the vision but would rather get the more public areas done first like the kitchen, living and bathroom. However, I have some finished spots in my room that you make like!

Meet FiFi! My antique dress form that belonged to my great great aunt (i think thats right). Anyway its one of my favorite things and has inspired me so much, especially in photography as you will see lower down.
It took me forever to get her all properly aligned again, she got a little squished! But after risking lock jaw, from all the rusty bolts and nuts that make up her ridiculously complex innards, I got her pretty again and now she holds my ever expand supply of necklaces.

Here is a bit of my favorite black and white work I did. You see Fifi, my bestie
Megan, and my huuuge collection of Jane Eyers! Loove my photo wall for it's vintage-y feel.

Oh boy, here is my OTHER favorite antique, the 1934 Singer
sewing machine I got a garage sale for $24!!!! I had such plans for it to go into my first real place that I didn't mind it sitting in my parents garage for a year! My dad on the other hand was not to keen on that. :)
You'll notice the embroidery hoop in the first and last photo, that is something I am quite proud of. It's an embroidered original illustration from my fav Austen, Persuasion that I, of course, created. I hope to do more and possibly sell the pattern I created from the original illustrations! Fun Fun!
Well. these are a couple glimpses in one corner of my room; the hopefully soon to be "Jane Austen's embroidered linen supply room and vintage retreat"! Get all that in your mind's eye?