single woman in possession of a
crafty brain must be in want of a
Big Shot die cutter! And now I HAVE ONE!! Complete with different templates and all kinds of stuff I am going to spend the weekend learning what the heck they do!
East Texas is a magic land. It has been my true home since 8th grade. (count your blessings, I just deleted a huge paragraph comparing Van to Hogwarts, it was a good one but I'll save it for another time!) ;)

Part of it's magic is a small group of women who have nurtured my quest to becoming an independent crafter. Thanks to them I have a great book on embroidery stitches, a book of sewing patterns for one yard of fabric, my Bernina (whom I think I am going to call Hera {queen of the gods, demands respect, treat her bad and you have a huge mess on your hands, I thought it fit}). And the newest member to my crafty family is the Big Shot! SQUEEE!

They know me so well and see the path I want to go down with my craftiness. So... BEYOND ready to move back home and plug into the community again. THANK YOU ladies!
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