Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Clothes Shopping is my Kryptonite

blech, did you know I HATE shopping for clothes? UGH! These cartoons capture my experience to a T! Shannabee and I went to target last night and I thought, might as well try some stuff on... bad idea Alicia, bad idea indeed.

So after retail terror, I wanted some retail therapy! HALF PRICE BOOKS baby! Now I know some of you (AHEM megan) don't see the diamond in the rough that is HPB. Give it a try! You will ALWAYS find something you MUST have there and for uber cheap!
This book has been on my Goodreads list forever and I FiNaLlY bought it! Of course the cover drew me in first, I always judge my books that way, don't listen to that little voice in your head, it does pay off to judge a book by it's cover! THATS WHAT COVER ART IS FOR! :)

Here's an insider tip for your next trip to HPB. If the price sticker has the date printed on it and it's like 4 months or older, you can usually get them to lower the price! For example, this book is a 1st edition with a list price of $25, the original HPB pice was $9, then they put another price tag over that one for $7.98 but that tag was from January of 2010, so I got it for 6 bucks! YES MA'AM!

I would so much prefer to read a book about clothes that try them on! Also, I would MUCH rather SHOP for books (fabric, crafts, jewelry, home decor, movies and the list goes on) that for clothes!

Where I rich enough, I would hire a personal shopper and let them have the joy. Blech I say, blech!

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