Monday, February 21, 2011

Sneak Peek of Etsy Dress Listings

I am getting so excited about selling some dresses! However, I am being responsible and getting my major Art History mid term projects out of the way first because if I had the choice of research or sewing, what do you think would get top priority? Not MLA works cited thats for sure!

So I just want to keep the buzz going about what I will be listing in about a month. Here are a few sneak peeks at some fabric collections I compiled. Enjoy!!

So when they are listed, you will contact me (etsy, e-mail, blog, whatever) telling me the size, and collection you want. I will then list a "Reserved For (Your Name)" that you can buy. I will then order the fabric and make the dress, it will take a couple of weeks but will be well worth it!

Thanks for looking, and just know that I have about 10 collections in the works and I add more daily, so there will be LOTS of variety when it comes time to make them live listings in March/April.


  1. hi there! i may have missed it, but what is the name of your etsy shop? thanks!

  2. Hi Miranda, my etsy shop is, its empty right now but I will announce when I start listing. Thanks for the interest!

  3. thanks!! i love the fabrics, and i have a 4-yr old and a 4-month old who just might need matching sissy dresses. :)

  4. Miranda, I can't find out how to contact you but I just wanted to let you know my etsy shop is open.
