Friday, February 4, 2011

Anthro Lovers UNITE!

As you well know, I lo-hove Anthropologie, yet can only afford the clearance rejects! I equally love hand making anything I can, so when Anthro is combined with Do-It-Yourself my heart glows in the dark! Here are some great sites with Anthro DIY projects that give the real deal a run for their money!

There are so many more online but these caught my eye and I am passing them on to you Dear Reader!

P.S. The picture above is from my bag (I'm having a hard time letting go of it) showcasing the nifty tape that they used on my wrappings when I bought my sweet little flower measuring cups! I want tape with EmbroiDiva printed on it!

P.S.S. I'm sorry to tell you Meg and Am that I am watching Cops and loving it.

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