Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Craftastrophie! or How to Dumpster Dive for Craft Supplies!

This EmbroiDiva had a HUGE supply of crafty rejects bestowed upon my person by a person who also bestowed to me her looks, my Oma, who I look just like when she was my age, but much MUCH shorter. (my Austen dialect is lacking these days, it's been weeks since I have been involved with anything Jane, true sadness). Her wedding photos are my favorite pictures of all time so I have to find them and show you. I have plans to re-create one in particular of her in her white lacy gown surrounded by all the women fluffing and admiring the full skirt and tiny waist.
Allison was eager to dive in with me and see what was salvageable. We had too much fun trying what the heck the stuff in the box was used for! Just let me tell you, ugly! Yuckers! Some items proves to be quite fashionable for us and so a lovely game of dress-up ensued. Enjoy!

So after all the fun, we divided up the few usable things to keep. I put mine is a small cardboard box I brought along with one of my pink and green tubs that are all mine and no one in my family is allowed to use but me! Mine! SO anyway, she helped me take the tub down her apartment stairs to dump all the rejected rejects in their dumpster . . . Thats when the craftastrophie happened, she didn't know the cardboard box was my "keep pile" and tossed it in! She flipped out even after I told her it was fine and nothing in there was really important at all but she insisted we at least try to retrieve it for the empty stinky dumpster.

see my cute tub? Since I am doomed to roam like a nomad for the rest of my life I decided I would do it with style. But here we see her trying to grab the box with a pair of nice golf clubs she just happened to have in her trunk!
It didn't work, and we ended up smelling quite foul. Fun times.


  1. Y'all couldve called me! My lack of aversion to dumpsters has aided in the retrieval of items inadvertantly thrown away: money, orthodontic retainers, etc. Sorry for your loss! Lol!!

  2. Wow, you could have come in handy for sure. lol
