Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Craftastrophie! or How to Dumpster Dive for Craft Supplies!

This EmbroiDiva had a HUGE supply of crafty rejects bestowed upon my person by a person who also bestowed to me her looks, my Oma, who I look just like when she was my age, but much MUCH shorter. (my Austen dialect is lacking these days, it's been weeks since I have been involved with anything Jane, true sadness). Her wedding photos are my favorite pictures of all time so I have to find them and show you. I have plans to re-create one in particular of her in her white lacy gown surrounded by all the women fluffing and admiring the full skirt and tiny waist.
Allison was eager to dive in with me and see what was salvageable. We had too much fun trying what the heck the stuff in the box was used for! Just let me tell you, ugly! Yuckers! Some items proves to be quite fashionable for us and so a lovely game of dress-up ensued. Enjoy!

So after all the fun, we divided up the few usable things to keep. I put mine is a small cardboard box I brought along with one of my pink and green tubs that are all mine and no one in my family is allowed to use but me! Mine! SO anyway, she helped me take the tub down her apartment stairs to dump all the rejected rejects in their dumpster . . . Thats when the craftastrophie happened, she didn't know the cardboard box was my "keep pile" and tossed it in! She flipped out even after I told her it was fine and nothing in there was really important at all but she insisted we at least try to retrieve it for the empty stinky dumpster.

see my cute tub? Since I am doomed to roam like a nomad for the rest of my life I decided I would do it with style. But here we see her trying to grab the box with a pair of nice golf clubs she just happened to have in her trunk!
It didn't work, and we ended up smelling quite foul. Fun times.

Monday, October 18, 2010

TLC's new show, yes that one... two, three and counting!

as i sit here shuddering and grimacing at this new reality show on one of my favorite channels I can't stomach it. ICK! ugh, really ewww yall. These people are totally normal and would probably be fun to hang out with BUT... how can any self respecting woman (wearing jeans and hair products btw) agree to this? You would think that they would run out of women eventually! The ratio has got to be like 5 to 1 on average right? Its so oogey I can't stop squirming. How can this be broadcast on tv since its supposed to be illegal you may ask, well I had to look this mess up to even begin to swallow what's going on. One website says that only the first marriage is "legal" and the others are "commitment marriages" whatever that means. No, I'm sorry. Blah! Jesus loves them too tho! He protects them just as much, they deserve it just as much as I do, probably more since I am judging the nasty out of this family. I do however think its funny how fast this season wrapped up. The poor kids said they get called Polyglets. Oh my. Just when we thought reality TV couldn't get any more... it DOES!

Friday, October 15, 2010

sick week

jealous of meg and am for going to connecticut! jealous of anyone who has eaten more than toast! jealous of Martha Stewart for being to wear Manolo Blahnik stilettos while hosting her show!

love meg and am for loving me back! love Tang! love Nora Roberts' movies on Life Time Movie Network!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Yuck, shopping!

Nothing beats down my self image like shopping for clothes! How could I say such blasphemy? Look at me, busting up stereotypes, a woman who avoids the fitting rooms! However there is a stereotype I strongly uphold when in a department store, SHOES!! Omigawd shoes. Shoes can fit no matter how bloated you are this week ;) Sadly though I don't have enough outfits to accompany my shoe wish list. I feel totally confident with striking footwear yet when it comes to above my ankles, I am repelled. There is a microchip missing from my brain because I cannot elegantly dress myself, decorating my self is so much more difficult than decorating napkin rings or paperback books. Ick. Maybe that will change when I am in my summer bod!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hoop Swap!

One of my favorite blogs is organizing a SWAP! To my understanding, you make something for your partner and they make something for you, then you swap 'em! How clever and fun! I have asked to be a part so here's hoping! I have to (figure out how to that is) make a mosaic of hoops that are my style and send it to the administrators along with some details about my tastes and style. Here are all the details and who is putting it together. Here are some of my favorite's of mine:

"Craftastic night at Allison's Apartment" or "How not to Make a Garter"

Fellow crafter Allison and I had a fun Saturday planned; Hobby Lobby, go eat, then baby sitting. While we were at the promise land (HL) everything on the shelves begged us to take them home and CRAFT the crap out of them! **evil giggle** So I managed to give in to temptation and got goodies for a couple of projects. With school in full swing, moving and commuting everywhere true-honest-to-goodness-crafting has been molding on the back burner in a warped pot of despair and loneliness. It was wonderful to shop for crafty goodness. What did we get you ask? Well dear reader, I'll tell you. In the scrapbook section there lived vintage fabric flowers that wanted a nice home, then in the wood stuff were unfinished napkin rings, 2+2= 8 anthropologie-esque napkin rings!

Now I am looking for some vintage napkins or fabric to make my own, shouldn't be hard to sew a square right? But with all the colors I am having a tough time. Suggestions dear reader?

When we wandered over to the fabric section the lace and trim caught Allison's eye... let's make a garter! That sent us into a 20 min sit-down on the floor with all the spools draped over our legs comparing trims with laces to see which worked. I settles on pink trim with black lace. Racy huh? La!
**Craft Disclaimer**
Alicia Snow hates sewing with machines and following sewing patterns!
Hates it.
That being said, I can do it, I will do it, I just did it with a b-day prez for my cousin, but that it only in the improvisation situation when I just need a straight stitch, no instructions to follow, no bag drawings of what it should look like. Not gonna bore you with the details but somehow my cute garter ended up looking like this, oh yeah and it ended up on my head.

It looks like a fat tutu. Have fun with that one Allison, best luck to you hun. Allison, though, is taking to machine sewing like a fish to water. I gave her a crash course on how to use her Brother machine and she took off, cutting up fabric and is making a QUILT!! Crazy lady!
She got this done in, I'm not kidding, like 30 min! I was still hand sewing my garter/headband. Look out world Allison has a bobbin and she knows how to use it! (she actually figured out how to load the stinking machine before I could).

Thanks basically all gentle reader. Waist management update tomorrow! I am making up for yesterday's fudge and brownie with Raw organic oatmeal, Subway and ??? for dinner. Maybe I will take the stairs an extra round when I leave. I CAN DO IT!!