Sunday, July 25, 2010

Embroidery Hoops

When I started this blog I said that I just love to craft and wasn't dedicated to any one type. I stared painting as a little girl, decorated a ton of hat boxes in high school, loved scrapbooking in college and from there I just embellished and decorated for years... until now... (lights fade to black, crescendo building softly, suddenly lights flash onto...)

Isn't it pretty, the green is a bit warmer in person, (the Ott-lite I use is very blue). The dress was on a card I found online so now its my new favorite pattern.

This was one of the raffle items I made for my craft show. Satin ribbon is a challenge and demands slow stitching but its soo worth it. My collection is growing. La!

This was the original of the dresses. I love the Moda fabric I used for the whole collection. They look simply smashing juxtaposed in a collage.
So this post is a way for me to tempt the fates and say I think embroidery will be my weapon or choice. Now watch, I've cursed myself, this always happens, I commit to something I enjoy and it gets blighted. We'll see!

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