Thursday, December 10, 2009


I have one day left at the Anchorage Cafe. Yippy! Sorry Heather. :) Then I get to start job hunting again in Tyler! I would looooove a job at a movie theatre so I can see movies for free. I love movies. Almost as much as crafting, sorry but its true. Having the Hobby Lobby employee discount wouldn't hurt either. But I hate retail most of the time.

Jack Johnson is playing at the cafe and I am supposed to be playing Christmas all the time... HA! I love christmas tunes but we have 5 cd's that play over and over and over....kill me please. 

Gonna go to UT Tyler to finish school I only need 33 more hours and I could be done in a year...HOLLA!! I am an expert at transferring, its sad. 

Right now I am making Christmas present for my best gals and I think they are some of the best crafts I have made, yes they are THAT good! 

Megan and Amber you better tell everyone where you got them. AJSNOW.COM
I love it, I own I am a dot com! So cool. 

Made christmas cookies last night with my baby sis. We decided to bake a sheet of cookies then use the cutter to make snowflakes. They have a better shape that way. SO the extra stuff around the cut outs we called Reindeer antlers. It was very Snow-Family. 

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