Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mansfield Park

Just watched the 1999 version on Hulu. It was interesting. It was well done, not like most BBC movies. Don't get me wrong I love the BBC, but they just seem to be wanting for film editing equipment. This version had Miss Honey from Matilda in it, which was odd because she plays the arrogant, and deceptive Mary Crawford who is out to ensnare our Edmond! But I was disturbed by a scene they added, which I am sure Jane Austen would never have put into print, about a book of drawings. Tom Jr. is being tended to by Fanny when she finds his sketch book that is full of  renderings of slaves and how they are being treated. The images where horrifying in the midst of a Jane Austen love story. Its real and based on truth but the element was to intense. Fanny's uncle is indisputably a rapists who come to no justice for his heinous act. The rest of the movie was beautiful, even made me cry when I know how it ends, just my thoughts. 

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I have one day left at the Anchorage Cafe. Yippy! Sorry Heather. :) Then I get to start job hunting again in Tyler! I would looooove a job at a movie theatre so I can see movies for free. I love movies. Almost as much as crafting, sorry but its true. Having the Hobby Lobby employee discount wouldn't hurt either. But I hate retail most of the time.

Jack Johnson is playing at the cafe and I am supposed to be playing Christmas all the time... HA! I love christmas tunes but we have 5 cd's that play over and over and over....kill me please. 

Gonna go to UT Tyler to finish school I only need 33 more hours and I could be done in a year...HOLLA!! I am an expert at transferring, its sad. 

Right now I am making Christmas present for my best gals and I think they are some of the best crafts I have made, yes they are THAT good! 

Megan and Amber you better tell everyone where you got them. AJSNOW.COM
I love it, I own I am a dot com! So cool. 

Made christmas cookies last night with my baby sis. We decided to bake a sheet of cookies then use the cutter to make snowflakes. They have a better shape that way. SO the extra stuff around the cut outs we called Reindeer antlers. It was very Snow-Family. 

Friday, December 4, 2009


My favorite! Yay! I really wanted to have my etsy FULL of christmas crafts, but work, school, and church leave me no time to do what I had planned but I WILL craft this weekend! I want to make some cards like these:

Paper is THE superior crafting medium! Hi Heather!! My first follower! YAY!!!