Please do your magical heart a favor and watch this! Its a parody of Like a g6 all about standing in line for the HP premiers... and a little bit of Twilight too!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Galveston Vacation!
Ahhh... the beach!
Thanks to MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, my dad is a cancer survivor. Now, my mother's best friend is part of the club! Darlene had to go down for one of her check ups and decided to take everyone with her and make it into a vacation.
We were all pretty excited to get to Galveston which is about an hour south of Houston, even the condensation from my can of Diet Coke was happy! :)

We spent one night in Houston while Dar and my mom went to her check ups. Shannon, Annie, Emily and I spent hours in the Houston Galleria, oh the sacrifices we make. ;p After that we spent a little time pool side to ease our tired bodies.

These 3 have been chums since before they were born! Dar and mom have been best friends/worst enemies for centuries!

We finally got to Galveston and had a pretty good view of the ocean from our hotel rooms.
Casey's for some awesome crab cakes!
The straw mats we got at Wal*Mart stunk to high heaven but they sure are cute and handy! The waves were awesome so I taught them how to boogie board, cuz I have such sweet moves!

We went to Moody Gardens and sweated all thru the Rainforest Pyramid.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Harry Potter Part 2 or Now begins my deepest depression
It was great, GREAT! If I had just read the book it would have been awful! I learned a few movies ago (jane eyer, twilight(s), jane austen, and harry of course) that I have to separate the book from the movie because they will NEVER be the same.

So I went into the last couple of HP's without the book in my brain, and it worked because I was able to see the movies as great movies.
Here was my experience this week: At the movie theatre I worked for they had "Harry Potter Week" where they showed two movies per night starting with 1 and 2 on Monday. It was such an amazing experience to see all the old ones on the big screen.
There where 3 ppl dressed up as Dobby but this little dude was my favorite! He has a bunch of knit hats and scarves on, which, if you read the books, you remember Dobby taking all the items Hermione made in a vain attempt to free the other house elves at Hogwarts. SPEW!!
And I must say my hair was perfectly crazy! It only needed its jet black coloring :(
Luna Lovegood reading her book upside down. If you know Shannon as good as I do and have read HP, you can't help but see the eerie similarities!
Aww, Luna and Madame Lestrange.

Luna using a Muggle laptop, researching Gnargles tho. (i had to ask Shannon how to spell gnargle just now and of course she knew)

She aready had most of her costume but we went to Goodwill to hunt out last minute touches, and right there when we walked in, that perfect pink sweater. I got her Spectra-Spects at FAO Schwarz in New York.

She even made her radish earrings with Dollar Store play dough! One was longer than the other, how Luna is that?
And I loved this, double dose! Deathly Hallows part 1 at 9 pm then part 2 at midnight. A double dose of H-Pot, my drug!

I got a migraine during part one, which threatened to ruin my night, but thanks to Excedrin Migraine, the blind spots and tunnel vision stopped in time for part 2 and I had no pain! I said a little prayer of thanksgiving for medicine! I am still a little out of it, not sure how I feel about it being over, but I do know I am looking forward to seeing it in the morning with Dad.
JK Rowling, thank you.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
New Dresses in my Etsy Shop
Oh my gosh really Alicia? Its taken me months to do this. No excuse for this kind of procrastination other than I really dislike the "listing" process on Etsy.

Well, we have 3 lovely dresses here! Each dress comes with a coordinating hanger covered with scrap fabric from the dress.

This is the Bright Flowers and French Knots dress. I made little french knots all around the apron, and if you have ever made a french knot you know how... involved they are.
Second is the Peasant Apron Knot Dress which I did not actually embroider but its just too cute I had to have it. Its a little vineyard maiden and just so charming!
Here is the dress made with my favorite fabric, the Boxed Dozen dress. That skirt fabric gives me Doris Day Fever! Its wonderfully 60's!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Nifty Napkins!
Hello fellow link party participants! Here is the result of my most recent handmade project.

I used patters from A Rainbow of Stitches and Doodle Stitches. My two favorite embroidery pattern sources.
3 hand embroidered kitchen towels for my first apartment! My kitchen will be red and aqua and oh so awesome!
Gotta love lace, new and antique! I stole this inch of vintage lace from my dear mama (with out her knowing btw).
While the red lace above is kickin' I have to say, Pom Pom trim rules!
Thanks for checking them out! Leave me a comment if you please!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
My newest little creation
Oh dear reader, you truly cannot know what it is to behold handmade loveliness, unless you area afforded the most agreeable opportunity to be in possession of one of my towels. ;)
I have such fondness for my red pom pom trim, such fondness.

Monday, July 4, 2011
Good times, good times
This passage from the book I am reading has been bouncing in my head this past week:
"Invest in the lives of those closest to you. Love those whom God has placed in your life right now-today. Don't think of their companionship as a consolation prize or a temporary substitute until the 'real thing' comes along. They are the real thing."
I really have been missing my BFF's Meg and Am who abandoned me for the bright lights of the Big Apple. But thats ok, I forgive them :) now I have a free place to stay whenever I get brave enough to fly again. ANYWAY, I miss having a best friend that knows my daily goings on and vice versa. :( Everyone feel sorry for Lee Lee now! awwww. Just kidding, I just really miss you girls and am so angry that yall are having fun with out me!
On a craftier note...

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