This makes me squeeeeee!!!!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Nursery Pennants
I saw this on on of my blogs and just LOVE it! The antique portrait swaged with the pennants over the baby's crib?? Craftastic idea that can be used in other rooms too! Stealing that idea one day.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Dysenchanted Short Film
Saw this on a blog I follow, pretty cute! Not exactly for young ladies tho. Its 6 min and about the classic fairy tale gals in a support group. Real cleaver.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
More Etsy Previews
I am have so much fun finding fun fabrics. My 2 research papers due in a month are not going to write themselves so I have to stop this creative mayhem but... thats not fun!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Graduation Ideas
It's almost time for me to walk the stage, finally! 12 weeks to be precise. I was just getting some inspiration for how to make my cap super great and saw this:

It's ME!! TJC, UTA, TWU!!!!

And how yummy are these? Super easy too.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Make a Kimono for a 10 month old heart surgery patient.

If you have a machine and some time to spare, take a look at this story. Lilly is this sweet little baby girl who is having heart surgery in March. She can only wear Kimono style tops after the surgery so they are asking for us to help out! Apparently those are hard to find in stores. How could I not??
Fighting Temptation

I haven't touch them! YAAAAY ALICIA!!!!!! It's killing me inside to not eat just one.
The inches aren't melting off like I wish but at least I haven't eaten an Oreo!
Rejoice yall.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sneak Peek of Etsy Dress Listings
I am getting so excited about selling some dresses! However, I am being responsible and getting my major Art History mid term projects out of the way first because if I had the choice of research or sewing, what do you think would get top priority? Not MLA works cited thats for sure!
So I just want to keep the buzz going about what I will be listing in about a month. Here are a few sneak peeks at some fabric collections I compiled. Enjoy!!
So when they are listed, you will contact me (etsy, e-mail, blog, whatever) telling me the size, and collection you want. I will then list a "Reserved For (Your Name)" that you can buy. I will then order the fabric and make the dress, it will take a couple of weeks but will be well worth it!

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Lovely Ladies Late Luncheon-Lee Lee Style
Her Royal Sweetness Jane Austen! On my CAKE!!! Bri is amazing at making cakes.
For my 21st b-day she made me a Hat Box Cake, and for my 22nd she made the book Eclipse. This year's cake was a "Cheesecake Lover's" recipe with crazy stuff in it like coffee creamer! She layered it with fresh strawberries. It's incredible!
I made these white chocolate tea cups then filled them with cream cheese fruit dip, I guess the theme was chocolate and strawberries.
What do ya know? Its that chocolate high heel! We had one white and one regular chocolate, but I really couldn't think of anything to do with them, but Brilliant Bri thought why not more strawberries?????
Here is the whole table setting. LOVELY!! Every thing on there was handmade, even my teacup candle holders.
Gotta have cuppies. I used my Martha Stewart recipe for the chocolate dipped ones.
Another candy mold I have is this cameo. Shannon looves them.
Here is a close up of one of the teacup candle holders I made.
I told Bri I wanted a pennant-bunting-banner whatever you call it, I wanted one.
So notice between the cake and the smaller teacup candle, MY PENNANT BANNER! We spent forever getting it to hang properly while sticking the posts in two of the chocolate covered cuppies.
I loved it. It was crazy getting it right, but I LOVED it.
After lunch I gave a craft tutorial. We made two different kinds of fabric flowers.
Bri and I, tired, worn out, but quite proud of our party planning prowess! BTW my shirt is from Anthro!! I finally have a piece of their clothing, I got the necklace from Charming Charlie's. I hate, loathe and abhor shopping for clothes, but this outfit was waiting for me and after birthday gift cards it cost me less than $20!
I had a GREAT 24th birthday party! Thank you family and friends for putting up with my silliness.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Etsy Update!
I have received a HUGELY positive response to the Apron Knot Dresses I made for Nellie Grace using the Little Lizard King pattern. A few people have asked me to make some for them too! So I have decided to list them on my long empty Etsy Shop!
How it will work:
1) You find a listing with fabric collection you like. DONT BUY IT THOUGH!
2) Send me a message with the size and fabric collection you want.
3) I will make a "Reserved For" listing just for you with the correct price that you will purchase.
4) I will order the fabric, make the dress, and ship it to you! It will take 2-3 weeks.
You want a little extra something special you say? How about a hand embroidered motif on the apron?
1) When you buy the dress, you can purchase the extra embroidery and I will hand stitch it on the apron!
I will make the listings active after midterms and 2 major papers due at the end of March. So look out APRIL!! Alicia will be making some AMAZINGLY cute TOTALLY fun SUMMER dresses!!! YAY!!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The What If Game or I am a HUGE Nerd
Let's play a little game, what-d-ya-say?

What If:
- I wasn't 14 weeks away from graduation?
- School wasn't so unreasonably overpriced?
- The paperwork to get into school, pay for it, schedule it or finish it wasn't so mind numbing?
- I didn't hate school so much?

Nothing makes me want to (scholarly speaking) "dive in" more than ancient Greek culture. Not even Jane Austen! GASP!! Tis but too true. I love learning about her life, but I would rather travel to Crete than London. Can you believe that? Bet you didn't know what a weirdo I am.

I don't know when it started but I have always been interested in the gods and all their stories. I even have to stop myself from buying children's versions of their myths for my kids!
Just something I think about (when I find myself watching PBS specials about theories for what happened to the Mioans or could Heracles have actually been a real man?) is this: I could have had a real career as a teacher if I had pursued this early on. When I tell people that after graduation I plan to craft, they must think I'm crazy. But how impressive would it be if I replied, "Well, I'm heading up and excursion to Athens to look at some newly discovered pottery that may have clues to the Trojan War."

Oh well!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Waist Management update: SOS!!!
HELP!! The birthday cake AND cupcakes taunt me every time I get a diet coke out of the fridge. The valentines bag of Reese's Cups, Hershey's Kisses and Rolos that my mommy gave me is SCREAMING at me! I have done terribly since Christmas. I am no closer to being an 8 than I was a month ago, I may even have gone a bit the opposite direction. HELP!!!! Come eat all this wonderful, sweet, comforting, colorful, food! And leave carrot sticks and dry chicken breast and cardboard-y cracker snacks. sad day.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Saturday the 12 I turned... old. sigh. Mom and Dad were already married and had cute little baby Alicia when they were my age.
Well, my bottomless depression aside, I had a great birthday! Any day that starts off with this face is going to be fantastic!

Shannabee and I headed to Tyler and saw Gnome & Juliet. It was a very cute kid friendly version, plus who doesn't love gnomes? James Macavoy as Gnomeo helps too!
We had planned on eating early at the best asian restaurant in Texas, aka Julians. Their spring roll sauce...LAAA!!! Amazing. Sharing my birthday with Valentine's Day was never a problem growing up cuz it meant class Valentine party, plus extra candy! Well in the past few years when I have wanted to go to diner, I get to share restaurants with couples or not even get in! Thanks to my great time management the restaurant was basically empty! It was splendid.

My sad little plate with one bite left.

After diner and then coffee with Allsion, Shannon and I headed to Eustace to stay with my aunt and uncle. My cousin Shane was there with his awesome girlfriend Colbie who is another embroiderer and art history nut! She knew exactly what kind of cake to get me! LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
Uncle Keith hooked me up with my drink of choice.
I was just expecting to crash when we got there but my family is so great, not only did they get me an Edward cake, Shane had some great new games, Scabble Slam and Trivial Pursuit Steal. They were so much fun, I even won the Trivial Pursuit game (but only because I stole most of the cards I needed, not based on my general knowledge of all things trivial).
Great way to turn almost a quarter of a century!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Matilda Jane Inspired Dresses
See Nellie Grace in the Red and Aqua Birdcage dress here!
For Christmas I was equipped with the world's best sewing machine, whom I believe I will name Hera but more on that later. After a few VERY successful and finished projects I attempted a baby dress!
Not only did the first one come out pretty great.
The pattern is called Apron Knot Dress from Little Lizard King's etsy shop. (very similar to Matilda Jane)
I added the applique on the apron from some left over fabric.
The second dress attempt was even better!
If it from me, you can bet I'm gonna pull a needle thru it somewhere! Embroidering on a busy pattern was tricky but I love the finished product.
Red + aqua= happyness
Added satin ribbon tags for extreme baby entertainment!
And the third dress was a mega dose of vintage charm!
This photo of the embroidered sheep is odd looking for whatever reason.
My nursery was done in lambs so I have a partiality for fwuffy wittle wambs!
Mom has the largest *cough hoard* collection of fabric that I weeded through for this dress. The skirt is made from 3 inch strips of said fabric remnants that I pieced together. It gave the skirt more poof than a regular one long piece.
Over all they look great and I had to stop myself from making a ton more, gotta fit school in there somewhere right?
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