Sunday, December 19, 2010
Christmas, is it over already?
So, I have been a bad blogger, I am truly enjoying having no assignments or papers to be dreading and the blog got set on the back burner but I do have some things I want to share so here is just a little catch up of my Christmas.
Here we have the young ladies in our clan, Colbie- my cousin Shane's awesome girlfriend, me- the awesome EmbroiDiva herself, Brianna- my cousin/older sister/best friend/cowboys fan, and then who else but my favorite little sister and fellow Homestar/Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings/Twilight/Jane Austen/Bronte/Etsy/Anthropologie enthusiast Shannon aka Miss Sannon aka Miss Shandon.
Isn't Bri pretty? Her hubby is dodging the camera at all costs.
...Wonder why?
My uncle Keith gets really excited when I let him play with my Canon Rebel and set it on Rapid Fire so he just snaps like a zillion pictures and after a while his subjects give in and start playing along, capturing great faces.
This is my new favorite ornament, my little Partridge from the flower shop in van "Beyond the Garden" so now I am on the hunt for more Christmas decor with Partridges. So, dear reader, keep your eyes peeled for me!
Some of my favorite gifts! Nutella (YUM), second hand classics (craft!), adorable notebooks (not for school), and a Green shopping bag from Joann's (birdies!).
I was most excited about this one I think, I saw it months ago and was torn between getting it or putting gas in my car, I chose the latter :( however, mom remembered and BAM! happy little girl on December 25th!
And here is dad's gift from me! If you know the Snows at all, this is the stuff of life, Diet Coke in a Can, there is nothing better. As you can see I didn't even wrap it, no need.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Jane Austen's Birthday Face Book Party

On Thursday, December 16th ladies everywhere will be celebrating a magical day indeed! So I created a facebook event so all my fellow Janeites can have a small celebration of their own.
All you have to do is some tiny thing Austen-esuqe! For example:
Drink a cup of tea
Eat a scone
Write a novel
Break off an engagement
Don't get married until you find Darcy or die
Write a letter to your sister and insist she burns it after reading
Ride into town and buy yourself a new bonnet
Speculate about those around you
Take a turn about the room
Wear a petticoat and corset
Try not to kill Mr. Knightly's dogs
Put on a secret theatrical in your uncle's house while he is out the country
Explore a spooky antiquated Abby, and open the forbidden door
Go to a resort town and Take the Waters
Fall for the bad boy!
Pass this on to any Austenite and please add to my list of acceptable party games!
Happy Birthday Jane!
Drink a cup of tea
Eat a scone
Write a novel
Break off an engagement
Don't get married until you find Darcy or die
Write a letter to your sister and insist she burns it after reading
Ride into town and buy yourself a new bonnet
Speculate about those around you
Take a turn about the room
Wear a petticoat and corset
Try not to kill Mr. Knightly's dogs
Put on a secret theatrical in your uncle's house while he is out the country
Explore a spooky antiquated Abby, and open the forbidden door
Go to a resort town and Take the Waters
Fall for the bad boy!
Pass this on to any Austenite and please add to my list of acceptable party games!
Happy Birthday Jane!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Pride & Prejudice & Pale Ones
"How quick come the reasons for approving what we like!" yes, dear reader, the great she said this. Let it be known that I do NOT approve of the hack job Summit did of making the Twilight series into movies, they... never mind if you haven't read the books, don't see the movies because they will send you running and screaming.
That being said! The movies do represent Edward Cullen, who is made up of:
1 part Fitzwilliam Darcy (Pride & Prejudice)
1 part Gilbert Blythe (Anne of Green Gables)
1 part Edward Rochester (Jane Eyre)
Simmer until brooding and steamy, serve with a can of diet coke and craft project. Yields one fantastic afternoon!
So naturally I DO approve of this trailer which had me snorting with laughter waking up my poor old dog Snowball.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Etsy Treasures in time for Christmas
Janet Hill is a Canadian artist and my absolute top favorite Etsian! I have yet to own one of her prints but soon, dear reader, soon! After a semester of Jackson Pollock, Pablo Picasso, and an onslaught of contemporary junk with the label of "Modern Art", I just soak up her vintage colors, the cozy textures and the charm of these lovely oil paintings.
I found her while searching “Jane Austen” (don’t hate). Her paintings are so feminine and elegant, they will look great in any room, especially mine, hint hint Santa. If they were chocolate scented I would just have to die! Here are some top favorites.

Shannon loves this one, anything with owls!

If you can't tell me why I loove this one, you hurt my feelings!
*All images from her etsy shop*
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Melting Snowmen! Oh no!
It's a truth universally acknowledged that a snowman located in a Texas must be in want of a cold climate!
Shannon and I made these soupy little sweeties tonight and laughed the whole time. Well, getting all the sticky mess off of my fingers wasn't so fun for me.
Shannon is a genius and added the ear muffs, they look perfect.
Some of them are melty-er than others.
Yeah, he's just chillin'
This one was inspired by the sweet Nellie Grace and her spectacular assortment of hair bows and flowers. :)
We had some silver sprinkles left over from something and I thought they would look like frost, but unfortunately they just look odd.
I go the idea from Crazy Domestic, a great blog btw.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
This one's for you Amber.
I should NOT be posting right now! I have an 8 page paper to write, Art History final to study for, (both due on the same day btw) and my last few finance assignments to finish up... however, I love my ginger and so I'll share some of my surroundings with you.

Friday, November 19, 2010
Southern Bell-atrix
For every Harry Potter midnight movie premier I have attended, I have gone dressed as Bellatrix Lestrange, the craziest witch ever! She is so deranged, unstable and down right fabulous! Who else could pull her off? Well, we start with a plain Jane, fine haired lass as shown:
Let them cool completely and carefully unroll. This will give her a Scarlett O'Hera look that must be frozen in time with half a can of hair spray. (I'm not exaggerating, I bought a can a week ago and its almost gone, I have rolled my hair twice since then!) never the less, spray like the yankees are coming woman, SPRAY!
Add more styling mouse than is healthy for the environment and blow dry upside down until her face is purple. The now, fluffy hair is rolled using two sets of hot rollers. (These things are my new best friends, they hurt my fingers like crazy but beauty is pain right?)
Next an assistant is needed to back comb and tease all the pretty, ringlets into what hopefully will look like the hair of a woman who was one aristocratic but has been locked in prison for way too long.
Tease, tease, tease! The bangs will remain un-teased for the most part and lend their sweeping drama to the Souther Bell-esque look of our hair-do.

Now if the curls were intact still instead of the volume of rat's nests, this look could pass as "presentable", it's almost flattering to the plain Jane's facial structure don't ya think?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Pretty Pleasant Day!

1) I got a SUPERB parking spot this morning. I usually have to park a block away from campus but today was curb side by the art building. Practically free valet.
2) I had a thermos of peppermint mocha goodness.
3) these awesome little phrases are littered all over the sidewalks!
4) and lastly, in art history (the class I was failing because I bombed the midterm due to illness) I got back an extremely important paper on which I needed a good grade. Writing is SOO ho ho sooo not my thing and I HATE essays, alas, this is college. He hands it to me and asks, "Do you really want it back?" I just stared at him and held out my hand. He asked a similar question when I failed the midterm so I was starting to get queasy. If I failed this paper, I would fail the class. On the last page, there at the bottom, under a cloud of his pencil scribbles and markings is "A 96 Bravo!" I walked to my car streaming tears and thanking God for the friends who helped my write it. I could have walked 4 blocks to my car at that point.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Rainy Tuesday or How to Cure a Headache, Guaranteed!
Fist off, something crazy is going on and I can't get it to stop underlining everything! oh well, its just all SOO important I guess.

The first is Dynamism of A Dog on A Leash and the second is Dynamism of a Soccer Player. Don't ask me to explain them, I won't do it. If you just absolutely must know you can contact, Erica, Amber or Bri, my secret editing task force. If they hadn't helped me I might as well drop out now! grrr this underlining!!!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Craftastrophie! or How to Dumpster Dive for Craft Supplies!
This EmbroiDiva had a HUGE supply of crafty rejects bestowed upon my person by a person who also bestowed to me her looks, my Oma, who I look just like when she was my age, but much MUCH shorter. (my Austen dialect is lacking these days, it's been weeks since I have been involved with anything Jane, true sadness). Her wedding photos are my favorite pictures of all time so I have to find them and show you. I have plans to re-create one in particular of her in her white lacy gown surrounded by all the women fluffing and admiring the full skirt and tiny waist.
Allison was eager to dive in with me and see what was salvageable. We had too much fun trying what the heck the stuff in the box was used for! Just let me tell you, ugly! Yuckers! Some items proves to be quite fashionable for us and so a lovely game of dress-up ensued. Enjoy!

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