Monday, May 31, 2010

Instant Craftification

I am so loving embroidery! Its so easy and fast, instant craft-i-fication (my word you cant have it).
I also redesigned my logo to be more inclusive of all the crafts I make. My previous logo said "Paper Crafts" and had a flower on top but now that I am an embroiderer, I go beyond paper craft. And I replaced the flower with scissors, gotta have a good sharp pair no matter what you make!
This piece was the most difficult, probably because it's not an embroidery pattern, but I did a satin stitch for the first time (the scissors). Its a little uneven but looks nice and satiny!

So now I am working on a project for little Nellie Grace, the newest member of the Bunt Family. I am practicing monograms, and stem stitches. Pictures soon. LOVE IT!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I have started an exciting new craft! Mom has been working on some embroidery for the past two days and it reminded me of a table runner I embroidered like 15 years ago. The table runner was simple but I enjoyed making it so I thought, why not try again!
So I made this little bird on a branch using one of the scrabble tile templates I just bought on Etsy. I think I turned out pretty good for a first try. SO now I am ready to start a new embroidery project. Mom has (of course she does) all these books with cute little templates in it.

My current project is this chair. Its so easy and yet challenging because you have to be very careful and that makes it soothing and calming. I love it.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Inspiring Crafts

What greater feeling is there than inspiration?

That promise that you can create! You know the beginning of a path to something wonderful. Every time I get that sweet feeling that I am able, I know it comes from God. Thank you Father for the beams of joy that take form as inspiration!

inspiration |ˌinspəˈrā sh ən|noun 1) the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative 2) the quality of having been so stimulated, esp. when evident in something 3) a person or thing that stimulates in this way 4) a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea 5) the divine influence believed to have led to the writing of the Bible.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Our first applicant! YAY!

Got an e-mail today from our first Craft For A Cure applicant! This is a huge step in the right direction. I've been starting to get a little negative with the whole thing like what if we don't get enough vendors, or if we do get all 30 then what if I can't get all the publicity and the vendors time and money is a complete waste? AHH I'll go crazy.
BUT... I have a few plans! First to get a Press Kit together to send to the local papers. A Press Kit has images and bios and plans all nice and pretty for the reporters to hopefully take an interest in us. And then I still hope to get the local churches grapevine's blooming with our event. Nothing spreads faster (or more true) than Vandal gossip!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Mom's bestie, who has breast cancer, is losing her hair now so we learned fun ways to wrap scarves. I had more fun playing dress up with them that a 23 year old woman should have but hey, I was helping. The top pic is called the "Crown Wrap" kind looks like a crown right?

This one is just a floppy bow tied on the side of my face.

And here we have the turban, I wanted to find some fluffy ribbon to make it more Jane Austeny

... so I just used this pink flower hair pin I made to spice it up some.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Today when I was wanting to take pictures of Shannabe in our yard (the light was cool) she hurried me over to her very quietly. LOOK! A little burrow full of bunnies! That is a picture of one of their harry little rumps. They were soo cute squirming deeper into the ground. Now they have closed off the opening with gray fluff. I am so excited to watch for them and I hope maybe I can keep one! They are so tiny and sweet!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I am not meant to succeed in College

I'm the worst at college. The WORST! Let me just convince you...

I took my second final tonight. I did not prepare to take my final tonight. In fact I had no IDEA it was due tonight!

I got an e-mail saying that the exam was split into two parts. 2 hours for the first 50 question then 2 more hours for the seconds 51 questions. I learned that I had a 101 question exam that was due by 11pm at 10. Thats right, one hour!

I start freaking at about 10:01 and compiling my notes. I started the 1st exam and finished it in 45 min getting 25 of the 50 right.

With a whole other exam due in 10 minutes I am a bit upset with myself. That test had no hope of survival but I was going to give it my all and turn in something!

I got 16 out of 51... the worst exam grade ever made in history.

BUT!! I remember that grades don't mean anything other a number. I am still me, still a great and promising crafter and most importantly I will be going to Heaven on day. My crappy final exam wont change how my amazing friends feel about me or change my families love. I have learned to triple check the syllabus though.

I have not ever had a semester in college that did not provide some unbelievable road block, fin aid, transferring transcripts, scheduling conflicts. When this is all over 9 classes from now I will move on and not think of college until I go back for a second degree. Blah.

Tasty Crafty Lovely

All strawberries should be doused in chocolate and sprinkles, ALL of them! We have a whole drawer just full of apples so I chopped those suckers up and most importantly, peeled the skins off. Yuck, its like chewing plastic wrap.

For mother's day, my family gathered for our traditional Phase 10-a-thon. I won the first hand, so that just lifted my competitive spirits for the rest of the day.
Actually the rest of the day was a bowling tournament at Main Event. Would you have guessed that I make like 4 strikes! Woot! I still suck though, my best game was like a 64. Boy am I sore today from my sweet bowling moves. My aunt, and grandmothers got hand made boxes from me.
I can't get enough of Paper Source, I should call them Life Source because I am instantly transported into some euphoric state when I walk through the door. Paper from all around the world in sooo many gorgeous patterns, colors and textures just float around me as I glide to the back where all the book binding supplies are. Tubs of PVA glue and methyl cellulose are just little white clouds of adhesive wonder who stay hidden on shelves. Baskets of book board tucked under a counter call my name and lure over to find the right size for my project. LA! I love it!
Craft For A Cure is coming along famously! We have the website and application up. There is also a Facebook page that everyone has responded to wonderfully. We have only to get the word out that we are looking for vendors to apply and wait for a month or two to send out acceptance letters. Everything so far has been too fun and no huge problems have sprung up. I think getting the publicity for vendors will be be the biggest challenge so far. We also hope to get Walmart to donate some big ticket item to raffle like a Plasma TV or laptop or something.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just some of my favorite things.

I have alot going on right now, finals, Craft For A Cure, mother's day blah blah blah so I just wanted to step away and dwell in things that I enjoy that get overlooked most days. Enjoy!

Hi megan, sup amber? Howdy Heather, kiss chester for me. He misses me, I know it.

I congratulate myself on cooking this killer lunch. Wheat penne pasta cooked in seasoned water, kidney beans and chicken baked in all sorts of seasoned goodness. Dairy free and mostly healthy! It is quite tasty too. Oh and yes, Diet Coke.

Look at this lil' goober! Aww! My brother bear Alan almost 2 decades ago. I found a box of photos, what fun it was.

My favorite drink is a Peppermint White Mocha and at over $3 for a soy iced grande White Peppermint Mocha, I don't get them all too often. At christmas a couple years ago my super star Aunt Sandy had this creamer in her fridge so I tried it and loved it. It used to be seasonal but...lo ho ho dear reader! It's for sale all year long!!! I am soo thankful to you Coffee Mate! Yummy!

THANK YOU BROTHER BEAR for getting me addicted to yet another pop culture phenom. I purposefully kept away from this show because I had no more room for it. But somehow Lost made its way among Harry Potter, Jane Austen, Twilight, Homestar Runner, Heros, The Office the list goes on and on and on.

I found this awesome mirror at a community garage sale in Eustace. The poor old lady I bought it from got blinded when I held it up to ask how much, I felt soo bad, I mean she was OLD and I probly killed the last of her good eye cells. Sorry lady! My sister Shannabe thinks I should keep it gold but I'm thinking some striking black or jewel tone. We shall see.

My basil and lavender are actually doing what green things are supposed to do! I can't wait to make pesto with my sweet basil and do what ever your supposed to do with lavender. yay.